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Letter A
Packages beginning with letter "A".
agg -
Anti-Grain Geometry graphical rendering engine
agg-devel -
Support files necessary to compile applications with agg
altermime -
Alter MIME-encoded mailpacks
amap -
Amap - a next-generation scanning tool
apachetop -
A top-like display of Apache logs
apf -
APF - Advanced Policy Firewall
aqueduct -
BASH scripts from the Aqueduct Project (https:/fedorahosted.org/aqueduct) that are meant to assist in the securing of a RHEL server.
aqueduct-CIS -
Compliance scripts for the CIS benchmarks.
aqueduct-DISA -
Compliance scripts for the DISA(Defense Information Systems Agency) STIG(Security Technical Implementation Guides).
asciidoc -
Text based document generation
asl-libxml2 -
Library providing XML and HTML support
asl-libxml2-devel -
Libraries, includes, etc. to develop XML and HTML applications
asl-libxml2-python -
Python bindings for the libxml2 library
asl-libxml2-static -
Static library for libxml2
asl-lite -
Atomic Secured Linux Lite
atomic-accelerator -
Atomic Secured Linux plesk nginx module
atomic-curl-curl -
A utility for getting files from remote servers (FTP, HTTP, and others)
atomic-curl-curl-debuginfo -
Debug information for package atomic-curl-curl
atomic-curl-curl-runtime -
Package that handles atomic-curl Software Collection.
atomic-curl-libcurl -
A library for getting files from web servers
atomic-curl-libcurl-devel -
Files needed for building applications with libcurl
atomic-php52-php-eaccelerator -
PHP accelerator, optimizer, encoder and dynamic content cacher
atomic-php52-php-eaccelerator-debuginfo -
Debug information for package atomic-php52-php-eaccelerator
atomic-php54-php-eaccelerator -
PHP accelerator, optimizer, encoder and dynamic content cacher
atomic-php54-php-eaccelerator-debuginfo -
Debug information for package atomic-php54-php-eaccelerator
atomic-php54-php-suhosin -
Advanced protection system for PHP installations
atomic-php54-php-suhosin-debuginfo -
Debug information for package atomic-php54-php-suhosin
atomic-php55-php -
PHP scripting language for creating dynamic web sites
atomic-php55-php-bcmath -
A module for PHP applications for using the bcmath library
atomic-php55-php-cli -
Command-line interface for PHP
atomic-php55-php-common -
Common files for PHP
atomic-php55-php-dba -
A database abstraction layer module for PHP applications
atomic-php55-php-debuginfo -
Debug information for package atomic-php55-php
atomic-php55-php-devel -
Files needed for building PHP extensions
atomic-php55-php-embedded -
PHP library for embedding in applications
atomic-php55-php-enchant -
Enchant spelling extension for PHP applications
atomic-php55-php-fpm -
PHP FastCGI Process Manager
atomic-php55-php-gd -
A module for PHP applications for using the gd graphics library
atomic-php55-php-gmp -
A module for PHP applications for using the GNU MP library
atomic-php55-php-imap -
A module for PHP applications that use IMAP
atomic-php55-php-interbase -
A module for PHP applications that use Interbase/Firebird databases
atomic-php55-php-intl -
Internationalization extension for PHP applications
atomic-php55-php-ldap -
A module for PHP applications that use LDAP
atomic-php55-php-mbstring -
A module for PHP applications which need multi-byte string handling
atomic-php55-php-mcrypt -
Standard PHP module provides mcrypt library support
atomic-php55-php-mssql -
MSSQL database module for PHP
atomic-php55-php-mysqlnd -
A module for PHP applications that use MySQL databases
atomic-php55-php-odbc -
A module for PHP applications that use ODBC databases
atomic-php55-php-opcache -
The Zend OPcache
atomic-php55-php-pdo -
A database access abstraction module for PHP applications
atomic-php55-php-pgsql -
A PostgreSQL database module for PHP
atomic-php55-php-process -
Modules for PHP script using system process interfaces
atomic-php55-php-pspell -
A module for PHP applications for using pspell interfaces
atomic-php55-php-recode -
A module for PHP applications for using the recode library
atomic-php55-php-snmp -
A module for PHP applications that query SNMP-managed devices
atomic-php55-php-soap -
A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol
atomic-php55-php-suhosin -
Advanced protection system for PHP installations
atomic-php55-php-suhosin-debuginfo -
Debug information for package atomic-php55-php-suhosin
atomic-php55-php-tidy -
Standard PHP module provides tidy library support
atomic-php55-php-xml -
A module for PHP applications which use XML
atomic-php55-php-xmlrpc -
A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
atomic-php56-php-suhosin -
Advanced protection system for PHP installations
atomic-php56-php-suhosin-debuginfo -
Debug information for package atomic-php56-php-suhosin
atomic-release -
Atomic Rocket Turtle rpm archive configuration
atomic-yajl-yajl -
Yet Another JSON Library (YAJL)
atomic-yajl-yajl-debuginfo -
Debug information for package atomic-yajl-yajl
atomic-yajl-yajl-devel -
Libraries, includes, etc to develop with YAJL
atomic-yum -
Atomic's Yum Web interface
atop -
An advanced interactive monitor to view the load on system and process level
aum -
Atomic Updater Modified
autoconf26 -
A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code
awstats -
Advanced Web Statistics
axis2c-devel -
Static library and header files for the axis2 library
axis2c-docs -
Documentation for Axis2/C
axis2c-libs -
Effort to implement Axis2 architecture, in C
axis2c-tools -
Axis2/C tools